“No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.” -Leonard Ravenhill
News and Announcements
Doctrine of the Church
Here are the completed notes from the evening service July 12, 2015
The History, Growth, and Character of the Various New Testament Churches
The Church in Jerusalem
- Began at Pentecost (Acts 2:47) with at least 120 (Acts 2:41)
- Was pastored by James, the half-brother of Christ (Acts 15:13)
- Performed many wonders and signs (Acts 2:43, 5:12-16)
- Had all things in common (Acts 2:44, 45, 4:32-35)
- Was in one accord (Acts 2:46)
- Spent a good deal of time in prayer (Acts 2:42, 3:1, 4:24, 12:5-17)
- Witnessed at every opportunity (Acts 3:12, 4:5, 5:42, 4:33)
- Radiated Jesus (Acts 4:13, 6:15)
- Was kept pure by God [had standards] (Acts 5:1-11, 8:18-24)
- Grew constantly (Acts 2:47, 5:14, 4:4, 12:24)
- Endured persecution (Acts 4:1-3, 4:21, 5:17-41, 7:54-60, 8:1-3, 12:1-4)
- Appointed deacons (Acts 6:1-7)
- Practiced baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41, 46)
- Sent forth missionaries (Acts 8:5, 14, 11:22)
- Held the important meeting on circumcision (Acts 15)
- Was Spirit led (Acts 2:1-18, 4:31, 13:2-4, 15:28)
- Preached the Word (Acts 2:16-36, 3:13-26, 5:42, 6:4, 7:1-53)
- Contended for the faith (Acts 15:1-21)
The Church in Antioch of Syria
- Was founded during that persecution period which followed the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 11:19)
- Experienced a great ingathering of souls (Acts 11:21)
- The Jerusalem church sent Barnabas to “check it out” (Acts 11:22)
- Added many to the church at this time (Acts 11:24)
- Was where believers were first called Christians (Acts 11:26)
The Church in Antioch of Pisidia
- Was begun by Paul during his first missionary trip (Acts 13:14)
The Church in Lystra
- Was begun by Paul during his first missionary trip (Acts 14:6)
The Church in Derbe (Acts 14:21, Acts 22)
The Church in Iconium
- Paul let many to Christ here during his first trip (Acts 14:2)
The Church in Philippi
- Paul organized a church in the home of a woman convert named Lydia (Acts 16:15, 40)
- A demon-possessed girl was his next convert (Acts 16:18)
- She was followed by the Philippian jailor (Acts 16:33)
- Paul later wrote a letter to this church (Phil 1:1)
- Timothy ministered to this church (Phil 2:19)
- Helped to supply the material needs of Paul (Phil 4:15, 18)
The Church in Thessalonica
- Was founded during Paul’s second missionary trip (Acts 17:1)
- Witnessed a great harvest of souls (Acts 17:4)
- Paul is accused of turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6)
- In spite of their zeal, they were not good Bible students (Acts 17:6)
- Later Paul wrote two letters to this church (I Thess 1:1, 2 Thess 1:1)
- The believers had a reputation for witnessing (I Thess 1:8)
- Timothy ministered to this church (I Thess 3:1, 2)
- Had some lazy members (2 Thess 3:10)
- Had some busybodies (2 Thess 3:11)
- Had some disobedient members (2 Thess 3:14, 15)
The Church in Berea
- This church was commended for its knowledge of and love for the Word of God (Acts 17:11)
The Church in Athens
- It is not certain whether a local assembly came into being after Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill, but if so, a convert named Dionysius probably led it (Acts 17:34)
The Church in Corinth
- Was founded during Paul’s second trip (Acts 18:1)
- Aquila and Priscilla aided in this (Acts 18:2)
- Paul stayed eighteen months (Acts 18:11)
- Paul wrote several letters to this church (I Cor 5:9, 2 Cor 10:9, 10), two of which are included in the New Testament canon (I Cor 1:2, 2 Cor 1:1)
- Experienced almost total confusion in matters relating to:
- Baptism (I Cor 1:12-17)
- Earthly wisdom (I Cor 1:26)
- Carnality and strife (I Cor 3:1-3)
- Judging others unfairly (I Cor 4:7)
- Immorality (I Cor 5:1)
- Taking other believers to court (I Cor 6:1-4)
- Marriage (I Cor 7:1)
- Christian Liberty (I Cor 8-9)
- The Lord’s Table (I Cor 11:17-34)
- Spiritual Gifts (I Cor 12-14)
- The doctrine of the resurrection (I Cor 15)
- Giving (I Cor 16)
The Church in Troas
- Here Paul raised up Eutychus, a believer who had gone asleep during Paul’s sermon and had fallen down from the third loft of the building (Acts 20:7-12)
The Church in Rome
- The origin and founder of this church is unknown
- Priscilla and Aquila labored there and a local church met in their home (Rom 16:3-5)
- Had a ringing testimony throughout all the land (Rom 1:8)
The Church in Galatia
- Various local churches in Galatia were organized by Paul during his first trip.
- All had apparently fallen victim to the legalistic Judaizers, who would continually plague Paul’s gospel of grace (Gal 1:6-9)
The Church in Colosse
- Was founded by Epaphras during Paul’s third trip (Col 2:1, 1:7, 12, 13)
- Philemon and Onesimus attended this church (Col 4:9, Philemon 1:1, 2)
The Church in Babylon (I Peter 5:13)
- Was filled with suffering believers (I Peter 1:6)
- Some of this suffering was due to sin (I Peter 4:15-17)
The Seven Churches of Asia Minor
Scripture: Revelation Chapters 2 and 3
Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) 7 Verses
- Dealing with being in a rut in your Christian life
- Was founded during Paul’s second trip (Acts 18:19)
- May have been pastored by Apollos, Timothy, and the Apostle John.
- Paul wrought many miracles there and saw much fruit (Acts 19:11-41)
- Wicked books are burned
- The false goddess Diana is challenged
- Paul went soul-winning door-to-door (Acts 20:17-21)
- Was the only Christian church ever to receive letters from two New Testament writers
- According to John’s letter, this church:
- Worked hard and possessed patience
- Had high church standards
- Suffered for Christ
- Had left their first love
- Needed to remember, repent, and return to Christ, else their candlestick be removed
- Hated the deeds of licentious Nicolatians
Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) 4 Verses
- The suffering church
- Had suffered much for Christ
- Had been slandered by those from the synagogue of satan
- Satan had imprisoned some of them
Pergamos (Rev 2:12-17) 6 Verses
- The compromising church
- Was located in the very center of satanic worship
- Had nevertheless remained loyal to Christ in spite of martyrdom
- Members were, however, tolerating some in the church who were guilty of sexual sins
- They were also tolerating those who held the doctrine of the Nicolatians
Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29) 12 Verses
- The tolerant church
Sardis (Rev 3:1-6) 6 Verses
- Appearances can fool you!
Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13) 7 Verses
- The faithful church
Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) 9 Verses
- The tragedy of lukewarmness
*Some contents adapted from Dr. Harold Willmington’s notes on the church
Doubts, Questions, and Unbelief (Part 2)
-Corner Stone Student Camp is coming up soon! July 21-25
-Special thanks to Dee Harmis for hosting the 4th of July Celebration for our church!
Here are the completed notes from the morning service July 12, 2015
Scripture: Mark 9:17-27
Consider Jesus (Matthew 5:17-18)
-He testified to the truth of Scripture
-His resurrection from the dead
Saturate yourself with the Word of God
-Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
-Scripture memory
Fellowship with other believers
Contemplate the following:
The Existence of God
-Allow creation to testify to the existence of God (Psalm 19:1)
-Design demands a designer (Psalm 8:3)
The Word of God
-The strength of manuscript support
-Confirmation of archeology
-Scientific accuracy of Scripture
-Fulfilled prophecies
-Jesus’ stamp of approval on the Scripture
The Love and Goodness of God
-Consider the sacrifice (depth) of God’s love for you (Romans 5:8)
“Don’t judge God by your circumstances, judge your circumstances by God.”
The Involvement of God
According to Josh McDowell, Deism is “A firm belief in God, but a God who is not involved in the affairs of men.”
-Remember God promised never to leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
-Recall God’s faithfulness in past situations (I Samuel 17:33-37)
-Recall that nothing is too difficult for God (Mark 10:27)
-Know that God is in complete control (Romans 8:28)
Exercise the Faith We Have
-Prayer: be open and honest with God about our doubts
-Ask for His help
-Apply God’s Truth to our daily life
Quote of the Day – July 13, 2015
“Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” -George Washington
Quote of the Day – July 10, 2015
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
-C.T. Studd
Quote of the Day – July 9, 2015
“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” -Charles H. Spurgeon
Quote of the Day – July 8, 2015
“The evangelization of the world depends first upon a revival of prayer. Deeper than the need for workers; deeper far than the need for money; deep down at the bottom of our spiritual lives is the need for the forgotten secret of prevailing, worldwide prayer.” -Robert Speer
Quote of the Day – July 7, 2015
“Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshipers met together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be, were they to become ‘unity’ conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship.” -A.W. Tozer
Doubts, Questions, and Unbelief (Part 1)
Here are the completed notes from the morning service July 5, 2015
Scripture: John 20:24-31, Mark 16:9-11
5 Primary Areas Where Doubts and Questions Arise:
- The existence of God
- The Word of God
- The love of God
- The goodness of God
- The involvement of God
- Temperment
- Focus on circumstances (Matthew 14)
- Feelings (I John 1:9)
- Negatives dominate our thoughts
- Disappointment (John 11)
- Ignorance of God’s ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
- Demonic attack (Ephesians 6:16)
- The World system (culture)
- Surrender to doubts
- Depression
- Worry
- Hindrance to sharing your faith
- Disobedience
- Unwillingness to truly come to grips with the problem
- Departure from the faith
Sustained Faith:
- Motivated to seek God
- Faith is strengthened
Quote of the Day – July 6, 2015
“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.” -C.S. Lewis