COVID-19 Coronavirus Statement – From the Pastor

March 14, 2020

Dear Corner Stone Family,

I am writing to give you an update about where we are as a church pertaining to services since our nation has been declared in a state of emergency due to COVID-19. At this point we will continue to gather as a body of believers at our regular scheduled times with a few changes.

Please refrain from hugs and handshakes at the church for now.  With that in mind, we will be suspending the welcome/greeting time in our Sunday morning worship service.

Ushers will have collection plates at doors after the Sunday services. 

Please place your tithes and offerings there on your way out of the sanctuary as we will not be passing the collections plates during the services.

We will not be having our children’s message in the morning service until further notice; However, all of our children’s classes will continue as normal.

If you or an immediate family member are ill, please do not feel guilty not attending services or events until you are better. We recommend that you stay home from church and events when you or your immediate family have any of the following (that are not allergy related):

  • Fever or have had one in the last 24 hours  (The CDC recommends not returning for at least 24 hours after a fever or signs of a fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications.)
  • Persistent cough, runny nose, excessively snotty
  • Sore throat
  • Vomited in the last 24 hours
  • Dysentery / Diarrhea

If you are a high-risk individual (or live with a high-risk individual) or have concerns about potential exposure, please use your own judgment about attending services or events. We do understand! If you would like a DVD of the service, please let us know! Sermons can also be found at

If you or someone in your home is diagnosed with COVID-19, please let me or our deacons know so that we can support and care for you and your family.

With my love and because of Him,

Pastor Peyton