July 2, 2015Online Resources for Bible Study and Further Reading
In an effort to promote the study of Scripture outside of established worship times (especially in the home), we are striving to build a collection of links to freely available resources online. These resources are valuable tools to that we hope will help and encourage everyone to go deeper into God’s Word. If you find an additional resource online that you would like to submit to be included in this list, please submit the web address and a brief description via our Contact Form. ***Please note that not all of the views and opinions expressed in these resources are fully reflective of those held by Corner Stone Baptist Church.*** We have tried as much as possible to review these resources to avoid linking to sites that we do not feel hold to Biblical doctrine, but as in all things we would encourage you to compare what you read and hear from these resources to Scripture to confirm accuracy and conformance to God’s Truth.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” -II Timothy 2:15
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;” -I Peter 3:15
“but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” -II Peter 3:18
Bible Study and Lesson Planning Helps:
Pastor Peyton’s Recommended Resource List
Pastor Peyton has compiled an exhaustive list of resources he has found useful over the years. Ranging from study Bibles to commentaries to a wide range of authors he would recommend, Pastor Peyton’s list has a myriad of resources for those seeking to grow closer to the Lord and know Him better. Many of these resources are freely available online and in Corner Stone’s church library. Links are provided to assist in purchasing items that are only available in print form.
The Bible Gateway
This website is an excellent place to access the complete Word of God online. With numerous translations online, a variety of different languages, commentaries, study helps, reading plans, and even audio Bibles, is an awesome study and devotional resource.
Open Bible Topical Search
This website is what you get when you mix the power of an internet search engine with the Bible. You can easily search by topic for applicable verses, or passages of Scripture that closely relate to the search term. *Pay special attention to the Note of Caution about using verses in their proper context when using this site! Context is always critical for handling Scripture correctly.
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary Online
Noah Webster is quoted as saying, “Education is useless without the Bible.” Webster’s 1828 dictionary contains over 70,000 words and over 6,000 Bible references. To this day it is one of the only widely circulated English dictionaries to use Bible verses to demonstrate the meaning and correct application of words. His dictionary is an excellent tool to aid in the study and teaching of God’s Word.
Secret Church Resources
This website contains notes and videos from past Secret Church events. These 6 hour Bible studies are jam-packed with scripture and life application on the topics covered.
From the Secret Church Website: When we think of “church” in America, we think of going to meet at a building, singing, praying and hearing a message from a pastor or teacher. But in many places around the world, “church” meets in a home, an apartment, and sometimes even in secret. Many times there are just a few believers who know and follow Christ. These small groups of Christ-followers often meet for many hours in study, prayer, and fellowship. Sometimes they face great difficulties to meet together. In some places it may even be dangerous to gather as a church to worship, pray, and study the Word. So when they come together, they want to make the most of their time together. Secret Church is our “house church” where we meet periodically for an intense time of Bible study—lasting 6+ hours—including a time of prayer for our brothers and sisters across the globe who are facing persecution and for those who have still not heard the gospel. This is not for the uncommitted or faint at heart. But if you desire to know God more deeply through His Word and know His church more fully around the world, then please join us for Secret Church.
Scripture Awakening
This is now the web home of the Bible in 90 Days challenge started by Ted Cooper back in 2002. In 1999, Mr. Cooper (an accountant and staunch atheist) decided to read the Bible all the way through, completing 12 pages per day in the Bible he had to finish in exactly 90 days. About halfway through reading, he became a believer in Christ. After he finished reading through the Bible, he decided to do it again the same way in 90 days, and a short while later left his full time job to start the Bible in 90 Days ministry. The ministry has grown and joined with other ministries to form Scripture Awakening, which encourages not only simply reading God’s Word, but studying it more deeply and living it out as well.
Look at the Book
Look at the Book is a new online method of teaching the Bible placed online by It’s an ongoing series of 8–12 minute videos in which the camera is on the text, not the teacher. The lessons help the viewer learn how to read the Word of God making important connections in the text and keeping concepts presented in their proper context.
Christian Based News and Current Events:
One News Now
OneNewsNow is a Christian news service that works to present the news from a biblical perspective. They not only feature the latest breaking stories from across the United States and around the world, but also news of the challenges facing Christians in today’s society. They also have a very informative section on news of Christian persecution worldwide.
Apologetics – Defending the Christian Faith:
Answers In Genesis
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. They also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).
Stand to Reason
Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.
TrueLife is dedicated to showing the world that the Bible is true and reliable. They desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively using online videos and other media, local conferences and evangelistic events to bring individuals to faith in Christ.
Classical Christian Books and Study Materials:
The Pilgrims Progress Online
The Pilgrim’s Progress is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in 1678. It has been translated into over 200 languages, and since its original publication has never been out of print. Even after more than 300 years, the characters, situations, and responses are very applicable to believers today. This is a book that children can understand and follow, and yet is so deep even adults can glean much wisdom from it. For those wanting to dig deeper into the Scripture behind the allegory, additional commentaries and study resources can be found at the Bunyan Ministries website run by Dr. Barry Horner. There is also a modern english version of the first half of the book recently put out online in PDF format available here.
Christian Multimedia:
Sermon Audio is an ever growing collection of freely available online sermons. The messages can be streamed online or downloaded for listening offline. Some churches even make video sermons available. There are sermons from churches around the world and even from churches local to Corner Stone. In addition, there are teachings from classic Christian preachers like Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards, and more all carefully read from the original sermon texts. They even have a phone app for Android and iPhone so you can listen and learn on the go!
Christ-Focused YouTube Channels
- Corner Stone Baptist Church
- A Cappella Hymns
- Wretched Radio With Todd Friel
- Grace to You (John MacArthur)
- Answers in Genesis
- Liberty University
- In Touch Ministries (Dr. Charles Stanley)
This new video network is providing Biblically-based preaching and teaching programs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to weekly services from Thomas Road Baptist Church and Jonathan Falwell, the station airs nationally known ministers, including: Turning Point with David Jeremiah, In Touch with Charles Stanley, Walk in the Word with James MacDonald, Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram, Leading The Way with Michael Youssef, PowerPoint with Jack Graham, and so many more.