COVID-19 Vaccines, Masks, and Other Information

There are a wide range of opinions, beliefs, fears, and convictions regarding topics related to COVID-19.  These need to be worked through with discernment and grace, setting aside fear (Psalm 91), and placing our trust and obedience in the Lord.  The purpose of this post is to share some relevant information on various topics that are the subject of much discussion, such as mask wearing, the COVID Vaccines, and more.

COVID Vaccine Information:

The Charlotte Lozier Institute COVID-19 Vaccines and Aborted Fetal Cells Informational Chart

Helpful Biblical/Historical Perspectives:


Recommended Video – Victory Over Fear

This video from Dr. Charles Stanley comes highly recommended from Pastor Peyton:

“In a world of anxious circumstances, it’s no wonder that many of us find ourselves dealing with fear. However, God’s people are called to live courageously. How can we live with peace and confidence in the midst of a frightening world? The only way is to remember that the Lord has promised to strengthen, help, and uphold us, and He always keeps His Word. When you’re in almighty God’s hands, you can face anything in life and experience the joy of His peace.”

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to